My One and Only

What an amazing three years it’s been my sweet love. I can’t believe the time has come for our precious chapter as a family of three to come to an end. I am a wreck full of bittersweet emotions as I lay in my hospital bed recalling the last year in particular. Although none of this will really make sense to you until you have a child of your own, I want you to know how much I will cherish every single moment with you, my one and only baby boy. You have been the best friend this girl could ever ask for and your sweet, kind heart has gotten me through some of the roughest days of this pregnancy.

The past few weeks, in particular, have been exceedingly challenging on a physical level, but you have made every day a breeze. We’ve had tons of snuggle time, tons of naps, lots of Barefoot Contessa (your favorite show on earth), and above all made a lot of memories that I have catalogued in my heart and will treasure forever.

I know that in a matter of hours my heart will be expanding after your baby sister arrives; but my message to you is that you are loved! Our love for you as our first born son has grown deeper and deeper each and every day. You are literally the coolest, sweetest, most loving little muffin that I know. Baby sister will be cool too, but I’m going to bet it will take her a while before you actually think so. You will be an incredible big brother, friend, and support for her; and I can’t wait to see how the love between the two of you will evolve into a precious gift.

Through a well of tears we dropped you off tonight before we headed into the hospital. I realized this was a first of many moments in my life where ill have to kiss and hug you as tight as I can and then simply walk away knowing full well that at that moment a chapter in our life is coming to an end. I will never see you again as my only son, but yet as my precious firstborn who will meet his new little sister and show me what true love is all over again. My darling Tommy, always know and remember you are loved.